It doesn’t take a long or hard look to realize how and why CBD has become the darling of the cannabis world — or Mary Point, Virgin Islands. But, just for fun, let’s check out the highlights reel…
CBD stands for cannabidiol, which is a compound — called a cannabinoid — found in cannabis plants. Hemp and marijuana are probably to two most famous strains of cannabis, and both contain CBD. But, CBD is much more prevalent in hemp.
Cannabinoids, in general, offer the promise of countless mental and physical health benefits. Research has been shown that CBD, in particular, may help with:
Tons of products are infused with CBD oil. Each preparation yields its own unique advantages. And, with this ocean of options, incorporating CBD into a self-care routine can be simple, convenient, affordable, and effective.
So, it’s quite probable that your Mary Point friends and neighbors are experiencing relief for a whole slew of wellness concerns. Pretty awesome and amazing, right?
And, it doesn’t stop there. CBD isn’t just for humans. It can support your pet’s well-being, too. Special for-pets-only CBD formulations are helping to keep tails swishing and steps springy all over Mary Point, Virgin Islands.
With such a stellar reputation, it’s no wonder CBD’s so popular in Mary Point, Virgin Islands. And the broader national trends back this up. Just consider these stats:
A third of all Americans have tried CBD.
Americans drop an average of $20 to $80 per month on CBD products.
US CBD sales are expected to be between $4.3 and $5.3 billion in 2021 and grow at a roughly-30% year-over-year rate through 2027.
The exact trends and numbers in Mary Point may deviate from the national ones, but there’s no denying CBD got a foothold all across the nation, including in Virgin Islands.
By now, you know CBD’s no joke and that many members of your community in Mary Point take it — literally and figuratively — very seriously!
This is a good thing! This means Mary Point, Virgin Islands consumers are paying attention to their CBD. Their due diligence is so vital.
As the saying goes: “Anything worth doing, it’s worth doing right.” Including shopping around for, buying, and using only the absolute best quality CBD available to you. Hopefully, you only want the purest, most effective CBD going into and onto your body, too. (You deserve it, superstar!)
Pure Craft is completely attuned to this — it’s practically our mantra. People in your area love our CBD products because they:
Plus, we show you the love you won’t get from many other CBD retailers. With you in mind, we’ve made the online shopping experience easy, informative, and enjoyable. And, our knowledgeable, friendly staff provides unparalleled service.
Combined, this promises to make your Mary Point-based CBD journey better than if you visited every CBD dispensary and cannabis retailer in Virgin Islands.
But don’t take our word for it — the people of Mary Point, Virgin Islands have spoken. Here’s what they’ve got to say….
Oh, boy, we’re not going to unpack this whole big, messy box of cannabis regulatory history. We’ll cut to the chase and hit on the juicy — impactful — bits. We’re talking hemp, CBD, and the laws of the land.
A little background first, though. Cannabis, in its diverse and glorious varieties, has been grown and used for thousands of years. In fact, hemp is actually one of the oldest known cultivated crops, with records of its use dating back about 10,000 years.
In the modern era, hemp was widely farmed in the early part of the 1900s. Then, for various reasons, hemp was outlawed by the 1937 Marihuana Tax Act. Cue the screeching halt to the once-thriving hemp industry. For the next 80ish years, US hemp production was at a deafening standstill.
At last, things started to loosen up with the passage of the 2014 Farm Bill. This permitted states and research institutions to start formally studying industrial hemp (hemp with less than 0.3% THC content) and its byproducts (like CBD).
The 2018 Farm Bill progressed hemp’s and CBD’s fortunes even more. This is the legislation that made industrial hemp and its derivatives federally-legal. CBD products could be made, transported, sold, bought, owned, and used.
Don’t get too excited yet. The federal hemp laws are very high-level, outlining basic rules and guidelines. Detailed laws and regulations were delegated to the individual states to develop and enact.
So, what we’re left with is a crazy quilt of hemp and CBD statues and policies. Making the local legal status of CBD even murkier is that jurisdictions like municipalities and tribal nations can have laws that differ from the state they’re in.
This brings us to your home state, Virgin Islands.
Of course, the story of “Is CBD legal in Virgin Islands?“ doesn’t end here. Cannabis laws are ever-changing at all levels of government. Driven largely by the overwhelming popular support for legalization of marijuana or hemp (or both) in some way shape, or for — you can expect to see new legislation roll out. This means the rules in Mary Point, Virgin Islands could evolve as well.
All that said, lots of folks in Mary Point, Virgin Islands are curious to know…
CBD is federally-legal. As far as the national powers that be are concerned, you can buy and use CBD in Mary Point, Virgin Islands.
By design, the exact CBD laws in Virgin Islands can define or depart from the federal directives. Your best bet is to periodically check in on the local CBD regulations to stay up-to-the-moment on them. Fortunately, Pure Craft keep tabs on state CBD laws, which can help provide some guidance to you when you’re near Mary Point or traveling about the country.
Yes! Interstate mail is run by the federal government. They’ve given CBD their stamp of approval. So, it’s 100% legal to ship CBD within the US of A. This is just one of the aspects that makes ordering CBD online such a win for you and all your buds in Mary Point.
Federal law says nothing about minimum age requirements for buying CBD. They left this detail up to the states to figure out. Net result — some states have an explicit minimum age, some don’t.
Most states that have a rule require you to be at least 18 or 21 years old to purchase CBD. Often, though, despite a minimum buying age — there may not be a formally-decreed age requirement for possessing or using CBD.
Regardless, of what the age requirement might be in Virgin Islands, brick-and-mortar and virtual retailers frequently impose their own minimum age thresholds. You’ll possibly notice that loads of online CBD stores ask if you’re 21+. As private businesses, it’s their prerogative to set the policies for their shops (as long as the policies jibe with applicable laws).
Like the age question, this is another detail that Uncle Sam left for states to determine. Some states have set limits for the amounts of CBD you can have in total, at home, and/or on you at one time. Many states don’t articulate any kind of ownership max.
Because the laws in Virgin Islands are a moving mark, we recommend that you double-triple-quadruple confirm what’s allowed in Mary Point right now.
Medical cannabis programs may green-light different kinds of CBD products, allow different classifications of people to access CBD, and designate specific locations (like state-operated dispensaries) from which you must buy medical CBD.
Over 35 US states and territories have official medical cannabis programs. They vary a great deal, but the takeaway here is that a state’s rules for medicinal CBD can differ from those for recreational- or personal-use CBD. And, Virgin Islands is no exception.
It’s smart to stay tapped into this should you or a loved one in Mary Point ever need medical-grade CBD. Unsurprisingly, this is another realm in which Virgin Islands’s CBD laws may change in the future.
CBD comes in a phenomenal assortment of formulations — everything from CBD oils to CBD creams. You can try them in a cornucopia of flavors and a host of potencies. Isolate, full- and broad-spectrum CBD are readily available in the marketplace. A new generation of wellness-boosting CBD products — like CBD gummies with elderberry, vitamin C, and zinc to help support the immune system — are beginning to circulate as well.
The good news is that there are plenty of CBD product options for you in Mary Point, Virgin Islands. It can be overwhelming just thinking about it! But, as a dose of inspiration (and not to be a busybody!), these are the CBD goods that’re flying off our shelves and into the home of those in your neck of the woods:
Sometimes discussion of CBD meanders into the delta-8 territory. So, we’re sneaking in a brief note on this nouveau-chic cannabinoid.
D8 that’s derived from industrial hemp that has no more than 0.3% THC is federally-legal. A handful of states have started to explicitly regulate delta-8, though. At the risk of sounding like a broken record, you’ll want to review Virgin Islands laws occasionally to make sure you’re on the right side of the law with your delta-8-THC.
Currently, you can find D8 pretty easily if you’re looking for it, especially online. Chuck some of those delicious delta-8 gummies into your cart and you’re just a checkout away from them landing on your doorstep!
Finding high-quality CBD in Virgin Islands is as easy as shopping online with Pure Craft. We offer superior CBD oil products made from the purest organic US hemp and other natural ingredients. Delivered straight to you in Mary Point is as local as it gets.