In the “Live free or die” state, you’re only free to use certain forms of cannabis. While New Hampshire’s surrounded by marijuana-friendly states (and Canada), it only started loosening laws in 2013.
So, in NH, you can legally use hemp-derived CBD containing 0.3% or less THC. Qualifying patients may participate in the state’s medical cannabis program. Despite interest in legalizing recreational marijuana for adults, it’s currently illegal.
New Hampshire CBD Laws At A Glance
When it comes to CBD-relatedlaws in New Hampshire, here are the big points you need to know:
• Hemp CBD with 0.0-0.3% THCis legal.
• CBD is available locally instores and online.
• You must be over the age of18 to buy CBD products.
• There are no possessionlimits for hemp CBD.
• CBD-infused foods andbeverages are prohibited.
• Participants in the state’smedical cannabis program may use marijuana for therapeutic purposes.
• Recreational marijuana isillegal.

Is CBD Legal in New Hampshire?
New Hampshire cannabis legislation is sparse and errs on the restrictive side. Nevertheless, it is getting some laws on the books. This is likely because citizens are advocating for CBD and marijuana rights and because the state is responding to a shifting federal industrial hemp landscape.
Let’s take a quick look at key CBD-related legislation in the White Mountain State:
- In 2013, the governor signed HB 573 into law, thus legalizing medical cannabis. This law created a rather narrow program that only permits severely ill patients who don’t respond to any other treatment to use cannabis.
- The next year saw a failed attempt to legalize adult-use recreational marijuana.
- In the wake of the 2014 Farm Bill, New Hampshire set up an industrial hemp research program in 2015.
- Possession of small amounts of marijuana was decriminalized in 2017. It reduced the penalty for the first three offenses from being a misdemeanor to just a simple fine.
- The 2018 Farm Bill federally legalized industrial hemp and CBD sourced from it, so long as they didn’t exceed 0.3% THC content. NH adheres to the federal rules and regulations — if the CBD is okay by the national law, it’s okay in New Hampshire.
New Hampshire CBD Laws: How To Buy CBD Legally
Because New Hampshire allows CBD, you can shop in person or online. It’s great to have options, right? With all these choices available to you, you can enjoy the widest selection of CBD products.
Purchase CBD At Brick & Mortar Stores
Hemp CBD’s legal in your neck of the woods. (Yay New Hampshire!) This means you can explore the offerings at a number of local venues. Dispensaries are an obvious choice. But many pharmacies, health food stores, spas, farmers’ markets, etc. sell CBD-infused products, too.
Before CBD shopping in person, research or ask around to hone in on the retailers with the best products, selection, and service.
Buy CBD Online
Some people like to buy their CBD IRL. Others prefer the convenience of online shopping. Lucky you — as a New Hampshirite, you can one, the other, or both! And even if you enjoy the experience of physically going into a boutique and handpicking your CBD products, it’s great to have options.
You can safely buy CBD products online from Pure Craft. Just FYI — people in your area are clamoring for the following high-quality CBD products:
Additional Resources: CBD Laws In New Hampshire
No two states have the same CBD laws. So ya might want to double-triple-quadruple check you’ve got the deets for New Hampshire straight. You can find all the info you could possibly want (and then some?) direct from the source:
- Relevant New Hampshire laws: HB 573, HB 421, Title XL Ch. 433-C
- New Hampshire Department of Health & Human Services: Therapeutic Cannabis Program
New Hampshire & CBD Legality — Bottom Line
In New Hampshire, you’re welcome to use hemp-derived CBD with no more than 0.3% THC. It’s available locally or online. You’ll need to be at least 18 years old to purchase CBD products, but there’s no possession limits.
Qualifying patients who participate in the state’s medical cannabis program can use marijuana therapeutically. But, at this time. Recreational marijuana is outlawed.
We’re not legal professionals or otherwise qualified to offer legal advice. So, while we do our very best to be thorough, up-to-date, and 100% correct, the content above is for informational purposes only. Please also note that the laws surrounding CBD are subject to change. We recommend checking our source(s) to see if the information or legal status have been revised since our content was published.