December 20, 2021

Does CBD Oil Raise Blood Pressure?

Nearly half of adults in the US have high blood pressure.(1) If you’ve ever searched for natural blood pressure remedies, you might have stumbled upon the claim that CBD (cannabidiol) oil can lower blood pressure.

Although research suggests this is true, there’s a lot more to the story — and even some evidence to the contrary.

CBD is one of several cannabis compounds called cannabinoids that may be in CBD oil products. Each cannabinoid has unique properties that can affect the body (blood pressure included) in different ways.

So, what does this mean for people with high blood pressure? Could CBD oil help, or should it be avoided?

And what about CBD oil and blood pressure medications?

No stress — we’re here to help! In this article, we’re exploring the relationship between cannabinoids and high blood pressure, including what you should know if you’re considering CBD oil alongside blood pressure treatment.

High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) Basics

Since you’re here, we’re willing to wager you know a thing or two about high blood pressure. But some aspects of it are misunderstood or not crystal clear, so we’re taking a beat to review.

Besides, a refresher is never a bad thing, especially when it comes to health.

What Is Hypertension?

Hypertension is the medical term for high blood pressure (HBP). It’s used to describe blood flow that’s too intense for blood vessels to handle.

Everyone’s blood pressure goes up and down throughout the day. What separates normal blood pressure fluctuations from hypertension is that with hypertension, it’s consistently too high.

High blood pressure rarely has obvious symptoms, but it can do serious damage over time. Having HBP increases your risk of:

  • Stroke
  • Heart attack
  • Kidney disease
  • Vision loss
  • Sexual dysfunction

Learn more about the link between blood pressure and male sexual dysfunction in our article calledCBD Oil For Erectile Dysfunction.

How Do Cannabinoids Affect Blood Pressure?

This is kind of a loaded question because each cannabinoid has specific effects on the body, and other factors like medication can change how they behave.

Let’s unload it by looking at the two main cannabinoids that influence blood pressure: CBD and THC (tetrahydrocannabinol).

  • CBD is the most prevalent cannabinoid in CBD products. It’s super abundant in industrial hemp (cannabis that contains no more than 0.3% THC). CBD has no psychoactive effects, meaning it doesn’t cause a high.
  • THC is the main cannabinoid in marijuana, which the US government defines as cannabis with more than 0.3% THC by weight. The psychoactive effects of THC are well-known.

You’ll find some amount of both cannabinoids in hemp and marijuana. Which is why some types of CBD oil products contain THC — and why it’s important to know what each cannabinoid could do to blood pressure.

CBD May Lower Blood Pressure

Low blood pressure is a known side effect of CBD, and research points to it being a potential therapy for reducing BP.

  • A study examining the effects of CBD on blood pressure in humans found that just one dose of CBD lowered blood pressure when the participants were resting and when they were under stress.(2)
  • In 2017, researchers found that stress-induced blood pressure and heart rate in mice were reduced with CBD.(3)

CBD could also reduce blood pressure indirectly by relieving pain, improving sleep, and reducing stress.(4)

All that to say…

THC May Raise Blood Pressure

The science for THC and BP isn’t so cut-and-dry.

Heavy marijuana users are nearly twice as likely to have high blood pressure than people who don’t use marijuana.(5) Yet marijuana appears to lower BP in older adults with hypertension.(6) If that isn’t confusing enough, one study found that THC sometimes increased blood pressure and sometimes decreased it, and sometimes that happened when combining THC with CBD.(7)

So, THC could increase blood pressure, or it could do the opposite. Finicky results like these are at least partially chalked up to the fact that some cannabinoids have a biphasic effect. Biphasic is a fancy way of saying the results can vary based on the dosage.

Another explanation for this range of results is that everyone processes cannabinoids differently. Cannabinoids act on the endocannabinoid system (ECS), so how your body responds to cannabinoids depends on how receptive your ECS is to them.

Medications, therapies, and substances can alter ECS function. What a great segue into our next, very important, point.

Medications Matter

You know how you have to avoid grapefruit juice if you’re taking certain medications? It’s kind of like that with CBD and THC. They don’t mix with everything.

  • CBD isn’t recommended if you’re taking blood thinners and some other pharmaceuticals.(8)
  • THC is a no-go for people taking statins because the THC can up the potency of the medication to dangerous levels.(9)

There’s a big world of medical therapies out there and we’re no health experts, so — if you’re taking medication — make sure you check with your doc before using cannabis in any form.

CBD Oil For High Blood Pressure

Since you’re a smart cookie, you’ve probably deduced that CBD oil with THC in it could raise your blood pressure. Meanwhile, CBD itself tends to lower blood pressure. Neither of these outcomes is guaranteed, though.

But based on the science, the best CBD oil for people with high blood pressure (who have their doctor’s okay to use CBD) doesn’t contain THC.

No THC means less of a chance of skyrocketing BP and one less variable to worry about.

But how do you know which CBD is THC-free? Simple, you just…

Look For THC-Free Types Of CBD

There are three types of CBD.

  • Full-spectrum CBD. Full-spectrum CBD is your cue that the product may contain higher concentrations of THC.
  • Broad-spectrum CBD. With broad-spectrum CBD, the THC has been removed while beneficial compounds such as terpenes and flavonoids remain. If it contains any THC, it’s only trace amounts (no more than 0.3%).
  • Isolate CBD. The THC, along with other compounds, has also been removed from isolate CBD. This is straight-up CBD.

We favor broad-spectrum CBD because terpenes and flavonoids are full of antioxidants and can help reduce inflammation, among other heart-healthy properties.(10,11) The THC content is likely minimal enough not to bump up your BP. Plus, you’re more apt to reap the bennies of the entourage effect when CBD’s accompanied by the other phytocompounds found in hemp. You get a lot of cardio-lovin’ mileage out of broad-spectrum CBD!

Check The Certificate Of Analysis

The certificate of analysis (COA) is the place to check that the THC content is what the type of CBD implies it is. You’ll see how much of each cannabinoid was detected from the product sample.

A COA from a third-party lab is also an indication of a quality CBD product, so you’re knocking out two birds with one stone.

When you shop with us at Pure Craft, you can scope out the COA through the link on every product page.

Become a pro at reading a COA with our articleHow To Read A Certificate Of Analysis (COA) For Your CBD Products.

CBD & High BP: The Final Beat

CBD doesn’t appear to raise blood pressure. In fact, it has a greater chance of lowering blood pressure — but THC in CBD oil could bump up BP.

People with high blood pressure, low blood pressure, or who are taking medications should consult with their physician before using CBD or THC.

Choosing broad-spectrum CBD can help you avoid the potential risk of high blood pressure associated with THC while getting the spectrum of benefits CBD has to offer.



  1. (2021). Facts About Hypertension in the United States. CDC.
  2. Jadoon, KA, et al. (2017). A single dose of cannabidiol reduces blood pressure in healthy volunteers in a randomized crossover study. JCI insight.
  3. Sultan, SR, et al. (2017). A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of the Haemodynamic Effects of Cannabidiol. Frontiers in Pharmacology.
  4. Perez, L. (2021). 9 Science-Backed Benefits Of CBD Oil. Forbes.
  5. Mann, D. (2021). What You Should Know About Marijuana and High Blood Pressure. The Healthy.
  6. Lasek, K. (2021). Cannabis use lowers blood pressure in older adults with hypertension, study finds. McKnights Long-Term Care News.
  7. Rey, A, et al. Biphasic Effects of Cannabinoids in Anxiety Responses: CB1 and GABAB Receptors in the Balance of GABAergic and Glutamatergic Neurotransmission. Neuropsychopharmacol.
  8. Bykov, K. (2021). CBD and other medications: Proceed with caution. Harvard Health Publishing.
  9. Sullivan, K. (2020). Marijuana is risky for people taking common heart medications. NBC News.
  10. Johnson, J. (2020). What to know about terpenes. Medical News Today.
  11. Watson, K. (2019). What Are Flavonoids? Everything You Need To Know. Healthline.

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