July 04, 2022

CBD Vs Coffee: What's Better for Health & Productivity?

It's no secret that many people turn to coffee to boost productivity.

But what about CBD? Some people claim that CBD is a better option for improving health and focus — all without the jitters or negative side effects associated with caffeine.

So which is better?

In this article, we'll compare coffee and CBD, exploring both their benefits and potential drawbacks. So you can decide for yourself which is the best option for you.

Health Benefits Of Coffee

Coffee hasn't had the restricted reputation that cannabis has had for centuries. This has tremendously helped coffee and caffeine research throughout the years. And we know a lot about this buzzy beverage.

Caffeine is a stimulant that can increase alertness, focus, and energy levels. It's the world's most widely used drug, and it's found in coffee, tea, soda, and even chocolate. Coffee is the drink of choice for many people looking for a quick pick-me-up, especially first thing in the morning. And it has a long list of potential health benefits.

Boosts Energy

As a central nervous system stimulant, caffeine can reduce fatigue and increase energy. It does this by blocking adenosine, a neurotransmitter that makes you feel tired.

In the short term, coffee can help you improve your cognitive function and energy levels. But if you consume too much caffeine, it can lead to jitters, anxiety, and difficulty sleeping.

Lifts Mood

Coffee has mood-boosting qualities, and it might even lower the risk of depression.(1)

It seems like a cup a day might keep the blues at bay. This is not surprising since caffeine is a stimulant, which can have mood-elevating effects.

Lowers Risk Of Chronic Diseases

Coffee is also linked to some impressive potential health outcomes:

  • Might lower your risk of type 2 diabetes(2)
  • Could lower your risk of developing neurodegenerative disorders like Parkinson's disease(3)
  • May protect against liver diseases(4)

Might Help You Live Longer

Consuming at least a cup of coffee a day is associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease and death.(5) And it might even help you live longer.(6)

So coffee has some serious potential benefits. But it's not without its drawbacks.

Negative Impacts Of Coffee

Coffee has long been seen as a productivity tool, but there’s too much of a good thing. When consumed in excess, coffee can have negative impacts on health.

Too much coffee can cause jitteriness and anxiousness, and disrupt sleep. Some people may want to limit or avoid caffeine, especially if they’re sensitive to its effects.

May Have Cardiovascular Effects

While caffeine is seen as generally heart-healthy (in moderation), people with high blood pressure need to be careful.

Caffeine can increase blood pressure, so those with hypertension need to monitor their intake.(5)

Might Affect Mental Health

You've probably heard of or even felt the edgy side effects of too much caffeine. But did you know that it can also exacerbate anxiety?

Coffee doesn't cause anxiety, but it could worsen symptoms in people who already have the disorder. And too much anxiety can hinder your best efforts at productivity.

Can Impact Sleep

This is one of the biggest areas of concern for researchers lately. Caffeine can take up to 10-12 hours to fully clear your system, meaning that if you have a cup of coffee at lunchtime, it could still be affecting your sleep at bedtime.

Overconsumption of coffee can lead to insomnia, sleeplessness, and poor sleep quality.(7)

The sleep disruption due to drinking too much coffee the day before can cause you to feel fatigued the next day, which can then lead you to drink more coffee in an attempt to perk up, and the cycle continues.

Could Lead To Caffeine Dependence

The caffeine in coffee can cause a dependence. This means that the more you drink caffeine containing beverages, the more your body builds a tolerance for caffeine. Then, you tend to need more caffeine to feel the same effects.

And if you stop drinking coffee, you might experience withdrawal symptoms like headaches, irritability, and fatigue.

Health Benefits Of CBD

CBD is also a plant-based compound, but it doesn’t have any psychoactive effects. This means that it won’t make you high or change your mental state in any way — unless you consume a THC-containing full-spectrum CBD. It’s also non-addicting, so you won’t have to worry about becoming dependent on it.

Instead, CBD is known for a wide variety of health benefits, including reducing anxiety and inflammation, relieving pain, and improving sleep. These health benefits could massively help your productivity soar.

Is Anti-Inflammatory

CBD has shown to be effective at reducing inflammation. This is because it interacts with the endocannabinoid system, which helps to regulate the body’s inflammatory response.(8)

It seems to offer significant pain relief in a variety of chronic and acute pain conditions. If you struggle with daily pain, you know how it can reduce your focus and overall quality of life.

Supports Mental Health

Most people who take CBD report a calm and relaxed feeling from it. And research suggests that CBD has anti-anxiety and antidepressant effects.(9)

Stress can reduce your overall well-being and productivity. CBD has the potential to help reduce stress and promote relaxation, which might help you concentrate on your to-do list.

Benefits Sleep

CBD is an interesting cannabinoid that seems to both ease the body and mind into a relaxing slumber. And at the same time, it can promote wakefulness. Say what?

We're still learning more about how CBD supports your sleep hygiene but it seems like it might regulate your sleep-wake cycles to help them balance.(10)

This might offer a more restful and less interrupted night's sleep for those with insomnia. All while helping to promote productivity in the daytime — when you need to be alert.

Without the dreaded caffeine crash.

Potential Side Effects Of CBD

Some people — but not all — may experience mild side effects from taking CBD. It's important to be aware of them so you can decide if CBD is right for you.

Digestive Side Effects

CBD might cause some gastrointestinal side effects. Some people experience reduced appetite, dry mouth, or stomach upset.(11) Start out with a small dose to see how CBD affects you. And take it slow to reduce the risk of these side effects.

Interactions With Other Medications

CBD can interact with some medications. If you take any supplements or OTC or prescription drugs, or are managing a chronic health condition, it's important to talk to your doctor before taking CBD.


Some people experience fatigue after taking CBD, even though many people feel more awake.

This all depends on how your body reacts to CBD. And THC-containing CBD oil is also more likely to bring about a sleepy state.

For productivity — simply avoid or dial down the THC in your CBD.

CBD Vs. Coffee: Reviewing The Pros & Cons





● Non-addicting

● Doesn’t cause jitters

● May ease stress and anxiety

● Might improve sleep quality

● Can improve mental alertness

● Can increase physical energy levels

● Can improve mood

● Associated with lower risk of chronic diseases


● Might not boost alertness as much as caffeine

● THC-containing CBD oil might make you drowsy (avoid THC for productivity)

● Could interact with medications so check first

● Some people but not all may experience digestive discomfort

● May cause a dependence

● Could impact sleep if taken within 8 hours before bedtime

● Can worsen anxiety

● Might not be great for people with high blood pressure


Which Is Better For You?

Coffee can absolutely enhance your productivity. It also has a range of potential health benefits. But if you're running into problems with sleep or increased anxiety — it might be time to lighten up on the caffeine intake and switch to something else.

If stress, pain, or sleep is preventing you from focusing on your work, maybe it's time to give CBD a try. CBD comes with its own host of benefits. And it might be a better fit for your lifestyle if you're trying to ease up on the caffeine, and improve your sleep and anxiety levels.

CBD Vs. Coffee: The Winner Is…

Ultimately, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. It all depends on your individual requirements and preferences.

Coffee might support your wellness and productivity needs if you don't have any issues with sleep or anxiety. If you’re seeking an alternative to coffee that won't make you feel jittery, CBD might be a good option. Many people find that CBD gives them a chill, relaxed sense of focus throughout the day.

You may also find that both coffee and CBD support your productivity in different ways. You might enjoy having a cup of coffee in the morning to help you wake up and get going. But instead of relying on coffee for an afternoon pick-me-up, you could turn to a CBD tincture for a more low-key state of mind to help you finish the tasks ahead.



  1. Wang, L, et al. (2016). Coffee and caffeine consumption and depression: A meta-analysis of observational studies. The Australian and New Zealand journal of psychiatry. https://doi.org/10.1177/0004867415603131
  2. Carlström, M, et al. (2018). Coffee consumption and reduced risk of developing type 2 diabetes: a systematic review with meta-analysis. Nutrition reviews. https://doi.org/10.1093/nutrit/nuy014
  3. Hong, CT,et al. (2020). The Effect of Caffeine on the Risk and Progression of Parkinson's Disease: A Meta-Analysis. Nutrients. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu12061860
  4. Heath, RD, et al. (2017). Coffee: The magical bean for liver diseases. World journal of hepatology. https://doi.org/10.4254/wjh.v9.i15.689
  5. Rodríguez-Artalejo, F, et al. (2018). Coffee Consumption and Cardiovascular Disease: A Condensed Review of Epidemiological Evidence and Mechanisms. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jafc.7b04506
  6. Kim, Y, et al. (2019). Coffee consumption and all-cause and cause-specific mortality: a meta-analysis by potential modifiers. European journal of epidemiology. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10654-019-00524-3
  7. Pacheco, D. (2022). Caffeine and Sleep. Sleep Foundation. https://www.sleepfoundation.org/nutrition/caffeine-and-sleep
  8. Atalay, S, et al. (2019). Antioxidative and Anti-Inflammatory Properties of Cannabidiol. Antioxidants. https://doi.org/10.3390/antiox9010021
  9. García-Gutiérrez, MS, et al. (2020). Cannabidiol: A Potential New Alternative for the Treatment of Anxiety, Depression, and Psychotic Disorders. Biomolecules. https://doi.org/10.3390/biom10111575
  10. Murillo-Rodríguez, E, et al. (2014). Potential effects of cannabidiol as a wake-promoting agent. Current neuropharmacology. https://doi.org/10.2174/1570159X11666131204235805
  11. Bauer, B. (2020). What are the benefits of CBD — and is it safe to use? Mayo Clinic. https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/consumer-health/expert-answers/is-cbd-safe-and-effective/faq-20446700

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